
Getting Started

What You Can Expect Working with Learn2Franchise

See what makes Learn2Franchise different, and how you can benefit.

Tips for Franchisees Interviewing with a Franchise

When you buy a franchise, the franchise also has to choose you.

How to Set Up a Franchise Family Business

A lot of my candidates envision leaving their business to their children. These are questions you need to ask yourself.

3 Financial Skills to Master as a Franchisee

Franchising requires an understanding of financial principles. Here's a breakdown of the skills you'll want to possess or develop.

4 Must-Have Qualities to Attract Top Franchisors

Three non-negotiable qualities make a franchisee stand out.

National Franchise Brand vs. Regional Franchise Brand

This guide will help you decide whether you're more suited to a national or regional franchise brand.

Choosing a Franchise for Your Leadership Style

We'll explore three crucial aspects: operational focus, risk tolerance, and level of involvement.

Best Resources for Startup Franchise Businesses

Harness franchisor support, the SBA, local entrepreneur centers, your chamber of commerce, and online learning.

5 Ways to Finance Your Life While Starting a Franchise

Learn five viable strategies for managing your personal finances while you launch your franchise.

Evaluate a Franchise from These Two Perspectives

Learn how to examine the franchise from two angles: the consumer's view and the investor's lens.

Building a Perfect Franchisor Relationship

Let’s dive into a crucial, often overlooked factor: the nature of your relationship with your franchisor.

Avoid These Common Executive Franchisee Mistakes

Lets explore the pitfalls of executive franchise ownership and how you can sidestep them.

How to Financially Prepare to Leave Your Day Job

To prepare for a smooth transition, here are crucial financial questions to answer.

Using a Franchise Consultant: Step-by-Step

Franchise consultants can make your journey smoother, more efficient, and tailored to your aspirations.

How to Accelerate Your Franchise Launch

Here's a blueprint to streamline your franchise launch, cutting down on wait time without cutting corners.

4 Franchise Myths Put to Bed

If you're eyeing franchising, here's why you shouldn't let these common misconceptions deter you.

Guide to Buying a Franchise

See what it really means to invest in a franchise: your costs, your contractual commitments, and a franchisor's control.

How to Succeed as a First Generation Business Owner

Recognize the value of your experiences and use them as your strengths in your new venture.

What Is the Perfect Franchise for Your Time Horizon?

Learn how to zero in on the franchise that matches your aspirations and financial timeline.

How to Master a New Side Hustle

Learn how you can leverage your executive prowess to make a franchise side hustle work for you.

3 Ways Executives Transition to Franchising

Here are three effective strategies for professionals eager to begin as franchise owners.

How to Work with Your Spouse Successfully in a Franchise

Bringing your spouse into the fold isn't just beneficial—it's essential.

The Myth of the Perfect Timing for Franchise Success

The search for the "perfect" time to start a franchise is a common trap for many aspiring entrepreneurs.

How to Conduct Due Diligence on a Franchise

Learn how to navigate the franchise due diligence process effectively.

How to Choose the Right Franchise for You

The right franchise for you depends on your passions, goals, finances, and risk tolerance.

Regional vs National Franchise Brands: Pros and Cons

Your ambition level directly ties to your franchise choice. Here’s a concise comparison to guide you.

Affordable Franchises Are Changing the Game

Let's dive into the nuances of affordable franchising and how it could be your next smart move.

10 Undeniable Red Flags in an FDD That You Can't Ignore

Understanding these warning signs is non-negotiable.

Misunderstood Franchise Signals (These Are NOT Red Flags)

Let's demystify the five franchise elements that may seem like red flags at first glance but are actually not.

Why Starting Fresh Beats Buying an Existing Franchise

Learn the crucial considerations that you should weigh before buying an existing franchise.

Areas to Think About As You Assess A Franchise

In choosing a franchise, the goal is not just to protect your financial investment, but also your time and energy.

3 Franchise Ownership Models

Do you want to work in your business or on it? Learn about the owner/operator and executive semi-absentee models.

The Difference Between Franchise Fees and Royalties

Franchise fees and royalties each serve a distinct purpose in the relationship between a franchisor and franchisee.

Should You Buy Into an Emerging Franchise Brand?

Get a clear view of the opportunities and challenges of investing in an emerging franchise.

Should You Become a Franchise Area Developer?

Learn what being a franchise area developer entails and how to assess if it's the right move for you.

Stats to Know About Franchising

Here's a distilled overview of the franchise industry through the lens of hard data.

Is a Turnkey Franchise Right for You?

Turnkey businesses are supposed to be ready to go from day one.

Can You Trust Franchise Financial Disclosures?

While the financial disclosures are regulated, your due diligence is crucial.

What to Expect When You Start a Franchise

Owning a franchise requires a real financial investment, delayed gratification, and a time commitment.

Why Restaurants Are Often Not the Best Franchise Choice

Here are 12 common problems with restaurant franchises.

Franchise ROI: Aim for a Return of 30-50% Per Year

Many franchise candidates have asked me: Is there a rule of thumb for understanding ROI in franchising?

Unlock Franchise Success with the Right Advisors

Learn who you should seek out, what questions to ask, pitfalls to be aware of, and how to use the advice you gather.

Beyond the Hype: How to Choose a Franchise That’s Built to Last

Jumping on a bandwagon is risky business. Learn what to guard against and the two questions you need to ask.

Should You Hire a Franchise Consultant?

A franchise consultant guides you through opportunities, saves you time, and matches your vision with the right franchise.

14 Questions to Answer Before Buying a Franchise

These questions will provoke thought and help you decide whether franchising is right for you.

How to Read a Franchise Disclosure Document

Learn what to look for and what questions to ask as you read each item in an FDD.

Fund Your Franchise: 10 Options for Franchise Financing

Learn about internal franchise loans, SBA loans, HELOCs, ROBS, bank loans, alternative lenders, and more.

Costs of Starting and Operating a Franchise [Checklist]

Explore everything from franchise fees and royalties to the costs of setting up your physical location and hiring employees.

Due Diligence: How to Tell If a Franchise Is the One for You

Ready to finalize your franchise choice? This article describes the 6 essential steps to conduct your due diligence.

How to Answer Questions from Friends and Family About Your Franchise Idea

Thinking of starting a franchise? Your friends and family are probably already asking you questions.

Start Your Business Regardless of the Economy

When you see daily headlines about a pending recession, it’s easy to get into the mindset that you should act on this.

10 Benefits of Starting a Business During a Recession

About 70% of macroeconomists have predicted a US recession in 2022 or 2023. But is that necessarily bad for you?

The Great Resignation Isn’t Going Away: How to Prepare Your Business

Optimize your processes for hiring, onboarding and retaining employees. (Or find a franchise with finely tuned systems.)

Matt Frentheway
Your Franchise Consultant