Written by
Matt Frentheway

10 Workforce Statistics Shatter Work-Life Balance Myths

The pandemic debunked the myth that remote work is the ultimate solution for work-life balance.

You're Not Alone Feeling Burnt Out

If you've felt more burnt out despite cutting out your commute, you're not alone.

Here's why:

  • Childcare and Remote Work: Families, especially those with young children, found themselves struggling to balance work and home responsibilities. Around 3.5 million mothers either took long-term leave or left their jobs altogether, with 56% of working moms feeling overwhelmed.
  • Increased Work Hours: Surprisingly, the average remote worker ended up working three extra hours per day. Meetings got longer, and the general feeling of being overworked has affected 54% of professionals, a stark increase from pre-pandemic times.
  • Frontline Worker Challenges: For those in essential roles, the stress was even more pronounced, with a significant number reporting feelings of just getting by or struggling significantly.

The Reluctance to Return to the Office

Despite a craving for more in-person interaction, a significant portion of the workforce isn't eager to return to the office full-time:

  • Hybrid Work Preference: A vast majority, 73%, are advocating for a hybrid model that combines the best of both worlds—office and remote work.
  • Remote Work's Popularity: Over half of the current remote workforce would prefer to continue working from home, valuing the productivity and efficiency it brings. The pushback is so strong that 40% would consider quitting if forced back into an office environment.

Embracing Change and Franchising as a Solution

Amidst the "Great Resignation," where millions are reevaluating their careers, you might be pondering a significant shift too. And you're not alone:

  • A Wave of Resignations: An unprecedented number of employees are leaving their jobs, with many seeking more fulfilling or stable opportunities outside their current industries.
  • The Franchise Opportunity: For those considering a drastic career change, franchising presents a lucrative path. It offers the chance to be your own boss, with the flexibility and control over your income and schedule that many are now seeking.

Why Consider Franchising?

Franchising is a lifestyle change that could address many of the work-life balance issues highlighted by the pandemic. Whether it's the desire for a hybrid work model, the need to manage work and family life better, or simply the urge for a significant career change, franchising provides a variety of options across numerous industries.

As you navigate these challenging times, remember that exploring your options, including franchising, can offer a new beginning. The statistics don't lie: many are in the same boat, looking for change and balance in their professional lives.

If franchising sounds like a path you'd want to explore, consider scheduling a consultation. It's an opportunity to take control of your career and, ultimately, your life. Let's chat and find the best fit for you. It only takes 15 minutes to start the conversation.

Matt Frentheway

As a successful franchisee and entrepreneur, I can help you find the best opportunity to realize your dream of being a profitable franchise owner. Using my proven process as a franchise consultant, we’ll define your goals, narrow the field, and select the best franchisor for you to achieve financial freedom.